14 research outputs found

    Dinamičko planiranje i terminiranje uz viŔe kriterija u proizvodnji tokarenih dijelova

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    Technical innovations in the area of manufacturing logistics are being introduced partially and thus not exploiting their full potential. In order to optimise the efficiency of turning manufacturing processes, the process has been analysed and fundamentally re-engineered. All data from production (operations, quantities, date, time duration of operations, etc.) are now located in ERP system. It provided the necessary condition for the establishment of a robust dynamic planning model. An update was required for the whole lifecycle of products and means of work. The paper presents the information support and an algorithm for a dynamic planning model, based on a genetic algorithm. Continuous data capturing and planning in real time are a breakthrough in the management of the process. Presented are a generalised dynamic planning model and a case example from the production of turned parts, which take account of the singularities of a real environment. Production capacities have to be linked up with the supply chain and customers. The presented dynamic planning model can be adapted to various types of production.U području proizvodne logistike tehničke se inovacije uvode parcijalno te se ne koristi njihov puni potencijal. U cilju poboljŔanja efikasnosti proizvodnih procesa tokarenja, postupak se analizirao i u potpunosti preradio. Svi se podaci iz proizvodnje (operacije, količine, datumi, vrijeme trajanja operacija itd.) sada nalaze u ERP sustavu. On je osigurao potrebne uvjete za stvaranje modela dinamičkog planiranja. Tražili su se ažurirani podaci o cijelom radnom vijeku proizvoda i sredstvima za rad. U članku se predstavlja informatička podrŔka i algoritam za dinamički model planiranja, zasnovan na genetskom algoritmu. Stalno dobivanje podataka i planiranje u realnom vremenu predstavljaju važan napredak u upravljanju tim procesom. Predstavljen je generalizirani model dinamičkog planiranja i primjer iz proizvodnje tokarenih dijelova gdje se uzimaju u obzir specifičnosti stvarnog okruženja. Proizvodni se kapaciteti moraju povezati s nabavnim lancem i kupcima. Ovaj se model dinamičkog planiranja može adaptirati različitim tipovima proizvodnje


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    Background: In Slovenia, there has been no evidence about the prescribing patterns for inpatients with psychotic disorders. The research aims to analyze drug utilization patterns for inpatients with psychotic disorder that are coded as F20-F29 according to International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 10th revision (schizophrenia spectrum disorders). Subjects and methods: Prospective research was conducted at the Psychiatric Hospital Idrija. The medical records of the inpatients admitted over a 12-month period were collected from the beginning to the end of their hospitalization. Results: A total of 311 inpatients with 446 hospitalizations were included, producing a total of 3954 medication prescriptions. Medications prescribed pro re nata (the use of as needed) were also taken into account. Antipsychotics (N=1149, 43% of prescriptions) were the most often prescribed medications, followed by anxiolytics, antiparkinsonians, antidepressants, mood stabilizers and cardiovascular drugs. A total of 256 (82%) inpatients received at least one pro re nata medication. It was observed that the studied population was treated with one antipsychotic on 27 percent of prescriptions. Conclusions: Inpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders were exposed to a large number of different drugs. They were not received only psychotropic drugs but also other medications. With the knowledge about medications the implementation of clinical pharmacy services to the psychiatrists would significantly improve medication of inpatients with psychotic disorders and polypharmacotherapy

    A Novel Way of Using Simulations to Support Urban Security Operations

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    The growing importance of security operations in urban terrain has triggered many attempts to address the perceived gaps in the readiness of security forces for this type of combat. One way to tackle the problem is to employ simulation techniques. Simulations are widely used to support both mission rehearsal and mission analysis, but these two applications tend to be seen as distinctly separate. We argue that integrating them in a unified framework can bring significant benefits for end-users. We perform a structured walk-through of such a unified system, in which a novel approach to integration through the behaviour cloning enabled the system to capture the operational knowledge of security experts, which is often difficult to express verbally. This capability emerged as essential for the operation of the integrated system. We also illustrate how the interplay between the system components for the mission analysis and mission rehearsal is realized

    Patologija minimin preiskovanja

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    Pathology in minimin search

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    Game playing is one of the first areas of artificial intelligence studied by AI researchers. The evolution of adequate algorithms and heuristics have brought us to a point where computer players are able to compete with the best human players. This is achieved above all by algorithms that are able to efficiently search large game trees when choosing proper moves. In game playing it is common to examine the game tree from the current position to some depth. The states at that depth are heuristically evaluated and backed-up back to the root node, where they are used to choose a move. From this description we may surmise that deeper search gives better results than shallow, which can also be percieved in practice. However, mathematical analyses have shown that under certain conditions the opposite happens: deeper search gives worse decisions. This phenomenon was termed search pathology. In this thesis we deal with single-agent pathological models and we examine factors influencing the pathology. We have examined the properties that affect the occurrence of the pathology in synthetic search trees. The most important factors are the branching of the game tree, the dependence between nearby nodes and the number of different node values. Our main goal was to explicate their influence on the occurrence of the pathology. Next, we combined independent and dependent trees. That way we can construct partially dependent trees and analyze the pathology in such trees. Finally, we concluded that all constructed models behave similarly: the pathology is strengthened by increasing tree branching and is weakened by increasing the dependence between nearby n

    Več glav več ve

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    V prispevku predstavljamo projekt čiŔčenja avtomatsko generiranega semantičnega leksikona sloWNet. Napake, ki se v leksikonu pojavljajo zaradi napačne avtomatske disambiguacije večpomenskih besed, smo odpravili s pomočjo orodja sloWCrowd, ki je zasnovano tako, da odgovore za problematične literale zbira iz Å”iroke množice uporabnikov - prostovoljcev. Naloga je oblikovana kot spletna igra, v kateri uporabniki tekmujejo, kdo bo zbral več točk (prispeval več pravilnih odgovorov). Glede na to, da tekmovalci niso izurjeni leksikografi, njihovi odgovori niso nujno zanesljivi, zato orodje omogoča merjenje njihove natan~nosti in pri vsakem vpraÅ”anju upoÅ”teva večinski odgovor, s čimer zagotavlja, da posamezni napačni odgovori sicer zanesljivih uporabnikov ter vsi odgovori nezanesljivih uporabnikov ne vplivajo na dokončno odločitev, ali se določen literal iz leksikona izbriÅ”e ali ne.The paper presents the cleaning of the automatically generated semantic lexicon sloWNet. Errors that occurred due to inappropriate disambiguation of polysemous words were eliminated with a tool called sloWCrowd, which is designed in such a way that it collects multiple answers for problematic literals from a wide number of volunteer users. The task is designed as a web game in which users compete who will collect the highest number of points (contribute the most correct answers). Since the users are not trained lexicographers, the reliability of their answers is questionable, which is whythe tool has been designed to measure the usersŹ¼ accuracy and relies on themajority vote for each literal. This means that the individual incorrect answers from otherwise reliable users and all the answers from unreliable users do not affect the final decision whether or not the literal is to be deleted from the lexicon

    Switching antipsychotics: Results of 16-month non-interventional, prospective, observational clinical research of inpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

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    The study aims to identify prescribing and switching patterns of antipsychotics in clinical practice. A 16-month, prospective study was conducted at the Psychiatric Hospital Idrija, Slovenia. Inpatients (N = 311) with schizophrenia spectrum disorders were observed. The causes for switching antipsychotics and switching strategies were analyzed. Analyzing a total of 3954 prescriptions, the collected data confirmed that treatment strategies in this psychiatric hospital are very complex. It was found that 37 percent of inpatients had at least one switch. Moreover, switches that included three or more antipsychotics were detected. The most common causes for switching antipsychotics were adverse reactions and inefficacy or lack of efficacy. Among switching options, abrupt switch was recorded several times. As some patients are receiving several antipsychotics at the same time, it is possible that unusual switching occurs in clinical practice. It seems that the choice of switching strategy is also affected by the cause and urgency for switching an antipsychotic

    Switching antipsychotics: Results from 16-month non-interventional, prospective, observational clinical research of inpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

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    The study aims to identify prescribing and switching patterns of antipsychotics in clinical practice. A 16-month, prospective study was conducted at the Psychiatric Hospital Idrija, Slovenia. Inpatients (N = 311) with schizophrenia spectrum disorders were observed. The causes for switching antipsychotics and switching strategies were analyzed. Analyzing a total of 3954 prescriptions, the collected data confirmed that treatment strategies in this psychiatric hospital are very complex. It was found that 37 percent of inpatients had at least one switch. Moreover, switches that included three or more antipsychotics were detected. The most common causes for switching antipsychotics were adverse reactions and inefficacy or lack of efficacy. Among switching options, abrupt switch was recorded several times. As some patients are receiving several antipsychotics at the same time, it is possible that unusual switching occurs in clinical practice. It seems that the choice of switching strategy is also affected by the cause and urgency for switching an antipsychotic